The Village – a let down

I had read the review of The Village in the WSJ a couple of weeks ago. When it comes to …

Staying Positive

Hello Sastwingees,

The only constant in todays world is CHANGE. A fact of life which is becoming more and more …

subroto bagchi’s speech to iim students

every time i read subroto’s thoughts on leadership, vision etc. i am generally impressed. here is an example.

Watch out for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) – part 2

TweetHappy to report that i got my nerve conduction tests done and i don’t have CTS. whew! what a relief. It looks like it is a case of severe tendonitis. Once the neurologist sends the report to my PCP, the loop will get closed on this. i am off the anti-inflammatories as well, but still […]

A CEO in our midst

TweetMyself, my wife and Poochi had dinner last night at NYC Grand Central Terminal. Poochi is running 2 companies and one of them makes a whiz-bang GSM based tracking device for your cars or trucks (if you own fleets). Felt very proud that we now have a CEO in our group. Poochi’s business card below.