Another gem from Scott Berkun
Filed in Uncategorized, July 31, 2005, 9:55 pm by SukumarTweetI have already raved about Scott’s essays. Here is his latest on “how to learn from your mistakes”. (Via
Story telling and Cognitive Linguistics
Filed in Uncategorized, , 4:27 pm by SukumarI have been preaching the gospel of story telling as a tool for
persuasion in the management context for a …
Origin of the “Red Carpet” treatment
Filed in General Interest, July 24, 2005, 8:39 pm by SukumarTweetWonder how this practice originated? An interesting discussion in Google Answers points to Aeschylus describing the practice in 500 B.C. But the discussion on Phrase Finder points to a more recent Moghul origin. Apparently, the brother-in-law of Emperor Jehangir decked out the path with velvets and gold brocade so that the Emperor’s feet did not […]
Friday Night Lights Shines Bright
Filed in Uncategorized, July 17, 2005, 9:00 pm by SukumarH.G. Bissinger takes you along for an emotions-soaked ride with the
Permian Panthers (a high school football team from Odessa, …
Google chasing Paypal’s Longtail?
Filed in Uncategorized, July 10, 2005, 8:52 pm by SukumarSpeculation is running rife about Google’s supposed paypal-like payment service not withstanding Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s denial. Forrester’s Charlene Li has some real …