Why you should stay active in your alumni networks?

If you had any lingering doubts on why you should continue to keep in touch with your university/college friends, read this article in Stanford Business. (Via Aarthi Srinath). Excerpt:

Around the globe and across the years, the GSB connection brings added value to thousands of Stanford alums. The idea of a network as a secretive, unfriendly club has been replaced with the vision of an open-ended chain of people who can communicate, collaborate, and learn from one another.


  1. Anonymous said March 31, 2006, 1:28 pm:


    On this note, I appreciate the efforts that you have undertaken to provide us with the tools (blog, yahoo groups etc.) to network with our college/school mates.

    Perhaps, more reason to resurrect our wingees get together, even if it is not as frequent as we would like it to be.


  2. Anonymous said April 1, 2006, 12:29 am:

    Thanks Ganesh. I am thinking the 20th year is coming up in 2008. We should probably plan some gala event some place nice.