Fine tastings of this week
TweetDecided to publish a compilation of the things that capture my attention every week. Here are the ones this
1. Creativity Issue from the Rotman’s School (PDF)
Has some great articles. Margaret Borden’s ideas on p-creativity and h-creativity is insightful.
(Via Raman Krishnamoorthy)
2. James Surowiecki of “The Wisdom of the Crowds Fame” profiles Joshua Schachter of
It is a great article. How delicious leverages one’s selfish purpose of tagging the web pages visited to create a system of categorizing the web is amazing. We knew this before but when you hear it directly from Joshua along with how he came with the idea is great. Interestingly, Schachter calls a tag, crystallized attention – powerful imagery. The only other system that i could think of that similarly used ones’s selfish purpose to title the CD tracks when ripping them – CDDB (Gracenote). Flickr is there but it uses the same tagging idea – in fact, Caterina Fake is said to have taken Schachter’s advice. I wish more systems that fulfill selfish needs to create utility for the rest of the world could be created.
(Via Sadagopan
3. Sun Jar – a cool solar power capturing device. The type of creativity that makes you go – why did n’t i think of that. . (Via treehugger)
4. Three Days to See – an amazing artcicle by Helen Keller. Reading this will make you appreciate your ability to
see in a new light. (Via Ebenezer Grace)
5. Cicada fly that surfaces only once in 17 years – an evolutionary strategy that ensures that there are no predators
at all. Predators don’t even recognize them because who is going to wait 17 years for a meal. (Via Time Machine
program on the Animal Planet channel)
6. On the fun side – check out this compilation of Captain Haddock’s swear words. For the uninitiated, Captain Haddock is Tintin’s sidekick in Herge’s immortal comic series. The explanation behind why Herge started using these swear words is interesting. Read on.
You can keep track of some of my tastings through my linkblog on the right hand side column of the blog. If you are wondering why i call it tastings – check out the about page of the blog!