FTOTW – Self Control, Turtle GPS!, Sugar Toxic, African Mother Language…

Fine Tastings of the Week

1. RT @ArchanaRaghuram @sciam: most popular on the site now: “How Self-Control Works” by @danariely ~ vv insightful

2. RT @berkun When did girls start wearing pink & boys blue? http://j.mp/i2P6re it used to be reverse http://j.mp/ebHrBo ~ vv interesting

3. RT @sibubk @jeffpalmer: Yikes. Pretty interesting stuff. NYTimes: Is Sugar Toxic? http://nyti.ms/fnOnfc ~ vv insightful.

4. RT @jonahlehrer: The cognitive consequences of architecture ~ vv interesting

5. RT @kum72: Turtles Have A Built-In GPS http://t.co/Nr6oI5Z & humans think they invented it. 🙂 ~ amazing

6. RT @gvaidees: http://t.co/q4ZL7XF Listen: The Humpback Whale Songs That Swept the Pacific. Fascinating. ~ amazing

7. RT @arunavabose: All languages traced to African ‘mother tongue’ ~ Interesting ~ indeed


I use a certain ratings scale for my annotations which are explained here.


  1. Quote
    archana raghuram said April 19, 2011, 6:54 am:

    Thanks for the mention

  2. Quote
    Sukumar (subscribed) said April 19, 2011, 7:11 am:

    Sure Archana.

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