FTOTW7 – best links of the week ending 2-October-2011
Here are the best links shared on my tweet stream this week.
Best Links
rsukumar: RT @SameerPatel: Work-life balance claims are so much hot air FTOTW Link 61 > sadly the case most of the time. ~ vv interesting
rsukumar: RT @ericries: Hacker News | Lessons Learned: The power of small batches FTOTW Link 62 ~ brilliant
rsukumar: RT @RajeevAhooja: Former Microsoft COO Bob Herbold on #leadership. FTOTW Link 63 ~ Insightful
rsukumar: RT @dorait: In so many ways the idea of ideas is ruining the innovation process. Here’s why FTOTW Link 64 ~ insightful
rsukumar: Why enterprise software sucks? FTOTW Link 65 ~ vv insightful /Via Rajaraman
rsukumar: /via @srini_venkat: automatically mute the TV when certain words are spoken FTOTW Link 66 ~ vv cool #arduino #maker
rsukumar: /via @mehrajai @sethiapavan @LYRoush guy got his stolen laptop back within 24 hours using a simple program FTOTW Link 67 ~ vv cool
rsukumar: RT @sudhamshu: Fascinating article in the @newscientist: “Quantum minds: Why we think like quarks.” – FTOTW Link 68 ~ vv interesting
Hope enjoyed the links? Did you come across any good links you want to share? Please share in the comments below.
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