FTOTW17 – best links of the week ending 14-December-2011
Here are the best links shared on my tweet stream this week.
Best Links
rsukumar: RT @DanielPeterson: Advice from Nobel prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, The 1-Second Method FTOTW Link 150 ~ vv interesting
rsukumar: Giving mediocre presents is human nature; instead, just ask people what they want FTOTW Link 151 by @GarethIdeas ~ vv insightful
rsukumar: RT @mfrancone: Ruth Simmons of Brown University, on Amiable Leadership: FTOTW Link 152 ~ brilliant
Hope enjoyed the links? Did you come across any good links you want to share? Please share in the comments below.
I use a certain ratings scale for my annotations which are explained here.
Thanks , these were nice.
Thanks Veena.