FTOTW27 – best links of the week ending 19-February-2012


Here are the best links shared on my tweet stream this week.

Best Links

  1. rsukumar: RT @ViswaRK: Those who had been blind can see again!human clinical trials for retinal implant is a success โ€“ FTOTW Link 5286 ~ amazing

  2. rsukumar: RT @ericries: For Successful Innovation, Sell Imperfect Products – Businessweek FTOTW Link 5287 ~ brilliant

  3. rsukumar: RT @dorait: Main barriers to the success of innovation?- ” the absolute biggest obstacle is communication” FTOTW Link 5288 ~ brilliant

  4. rsukumar: RT @Sairee: Love the term ‘gene recruitment’ @S_Sivakumar How the first plant came to be FTOTW Link 5289 (via @prem_k) ~ Amazing

  5. rsukumar: RT @prakasank: FTOTW Link 5290 Why You Should Give Your Work Away for Free. -Amazing perspective! ~ vv interesting

  6. rsukumar: RT @brainpicker: “You’ve got to dig it to *dig* it, you dig?” by jazz icon Thelonious Monk,30th death anniv FTOTW Link 5291 ~ brilliant

  7. rsukumar: RT @davegray: Nice Forbes article by Steve Denning on Apple and net promoter FTOTW Link 5292 ~ vv insightful

  8. rsukumar: RT @sbkaufman: Does Creativity Require Constraints? | The Creativity Post | FTOTW Link 5293 ~ vv insightful

  9. rsukumar: RT @bijli @rajunarisetti: How habits hold us @jonahlehrer on The Science of Habit in @WSJ FTOTW Link 5294 ~ vv insightful

  10. rsukumar: RT @sbkaufman: Innovation = Happiness? | The Creativity Post | FTOTW Link 5295 ~ vv insightful

  11. rsukumar: RT @jk533: Why Off-Sites Should Go Virtual ? via @HarvardBiz FTOTW Link 5296 ~ insightful ~ indeed


Hope enjoyed the links? Did you come across any good links you want to share? Please share in the comments below.


I use a certain ratings scale for my annotations which are explained here.


  1. Quote

    They are well-orchestrated gatherings conducted mostly for show after important decisions have already been made by a small cadre of executives in backroom deals. It’s no wonder so many companies end up with “let’s do more of the same” strategies that lack innovative thinking and fail to muster enthusiastic support.
    _This one on virtual onsite made me smile ๐Ÿ˜‰ , I do hope it becomes a reality by 2015.

    The other articles were also really thought provoking. Lean Startup is becoming a cult !!

  2. Quote

    Hi- Since I’ve read some good articles on this website on the Vedic Aryan problem, here are new geological results on the river “Saraswati” – http://www.suvratk.blogspot.in/2012/02/yamuna-and-sutlej-stopped-flowing-into.html – thanks..

  3. Quote
    Sukumar (subscribed) said February 24, 2012, 9:36 am:

    Thanks Veena. yes the virtual offsite article is a good one. I don’t think we have a sound “theory of operation” for such an event. As you say maybe it will become a reality by “2015”.

    Lean Startup is becoming a cult indeed ๐Ÿ™‚ Eric Ries will be proud.

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