FTOTW239 – best links of the week ending 23-April-2017
Here are the best links shared on my tweet stream this week.
Best Links
Six Habits of Highly Empathic People | Greater Good ~ brilliant /Via @rajamanohar https://t.co/RLtV8cGOCF – Original Tweet
South Indian Frog’s slime could cure H1 viral illnesses & heralds new way of finding cures ~ amazing /Via @reddit https://t.co/MI3iyD4Jia – Original Tweet
@RadmallAndre How our brain thrives on mistakes? https://t.co/zeK0s0vdQ0 ~ vv insightful /Via @RadmallAndre – Original Tweet
Hope you enjoyed the links? Did you come across any good links you want to share? Please share in the comments below.
I use a certain ratings scale for my annotations which are explained here.