FTOTW309 – best links of the week ending 22-September-2019
Here are the best links shared on my tweet stream this week.
Best Links
Carl Sagan explains how Eratosthenes calculated the earth’s circumference using 2 sticks, some walking and some math https://t.co/laSMZxONZv ~ brilliant. pure gold /Via @rs_prasanna – Original Tweet
Thank you @mahalivasu ~ amazing heartwarming & vv inspiring. https://t.co/4borD4vicb – Original Tweet
What is amazon? https://t.co/f3TMr0dKe3 ~ brilliant . must read post on the strategies of one of the most important companies of our time /Via @aroon63 – Original Tweet
Could your negative reaction to music be an indicator of mental health issues? https://t.co/6c2DM90PCL ~ vv interesting piece of research from IIIT Hyderabad /Via @the_hindu – Original Tweet
Hope you enjoyed the links? Did you come across any good links you want to share? Please share in the comments below.
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