Category Archive
The following is a list of all entries from the Management category.
KM preso at the National HRD Network
Filed in Management, November 6, 2010, 1:09 pm by SukumarTweetProlog Hope all of you are having a great Diwali 2010. Sorry i haven’t been able to update this blog as frequently as i would like [I am actually having a great time with my internal blog that this blog has taken a bit of a hit]. Last friday, i made a presentation on KM […]
If a template is all you can offer…
Filed in Management,Strategy & Business Models, April 25, 2010, 5:00 pm by RKTweetI tweeted sometime ago that “if a template is all you offer, you really don’t have much to offer” Let me explain. For the purpose of this post, the term “customer” can mean anybody you interact with – not just money-paying person seeking products/services. Too many times, we get locked into this mode of supplying […]
Learning and the Aha Moment
Filed in Management,Science, September 2, 2009, 10:04 pm by SukumarTweetFTOTW [Fine Tastings of the Week] Dina talks about a wonderful innovation from Nokia that could have a major impact on rural India. A brilliant 4.5 min video on how to find and pursue your passion by Randy Komisar (via @athick2) [Flashback – can passion can be taught? ]. Prolog Today, thanks to a friend, […]
Rough and Tumble with ROI
Filed in Management, April 23, 2009, 4:31 pm by SukumarTweetUpdated 25 Apr 2009: Jim McGee has a brilliant post on bridging analytic and management cultures. Is it that ROI is a catchphrase from the oral management culture which is fundamentally in conflict with ideas which are from the literate culture of the organization? Prolog In the Soul of Success series, i am still not […]
The UnLeadership Manifesto – making of the 21st century leader – part 1
Filed in Management, July 26, 2008, 10:49 am by SukumarTweetProlog Leadership of every hue and cry has been covered in over 437, 869 book titles available on alone (Search for Leader). Not to speak of countless blog posts, magazine and newspaper articles on the subject. Judging from the reams of material that has been written and from personal experience, Leadership is a tough […]