Category Archive

The following is a list of all entries from the Technology category.

iWatch – Never carry a mobile phone again!

TweetUpdated Oct 14, 2008: This week’s Carnival of the Mobilists hosted by mjelly has featured this post. Thanks a lot James. The last concept hack i did called the iPod SD became a popular post. Too bad, Apple never built the product 🙁 Yesterday, i came across this interview of Steve Wozniak (via Techmeme) where he […]

I am stupid and the Internet made me so

TweetProlog: Nick Carr the uber-naysayer came up with a superb riff on the Internet-dominated world with a tremendously provocative “is Google Making Us Stupid?” To Nick’s credit, it has now become quite fashionable to take a dystopian view of technology with virtually all the gurus of the tech world falling over themselves to toe Nick […]

Welcome to WordPress

TweetThanks to the Blogharbor team led by John Keegan for a smooth rollover to WordPress – my favorite blogging platform. Hope you all like the theme that i have chosen. I may be switching to a different theme as i experiment with themes some more. You may notice a few problems: 1. Comments on old […]

Freebase – Database for world knowledge/data

Through my CTO‘s

blog, came across this company called Metaweb

and their product – Freebase – a

database for …

OrgChart Wiki experiment by

Recently came across an interesting experiment being done by Forbes magazine with their orgchart wiki project. They are expecting the …