Category Archive

The following is a list of all entries from the Technology category.

Managing the Mt. Everest of Email Services

TweetAlthough a few months old, here is an excellent article on Hotmail. ACM Queue – A Conversation with Phil Smoot – An engineer at Hotmail discusses the challenges of keeping one of the Web’s largest and oldest Internet services running 24/7. (Via Sajith Sankar)

Why offshoring may or may not work for you?

Vinnie started it off with a link to a recent CIO magazine article. Sadagopan joins the debate and disagrees with the captive option being touted. Here is may take on this..

Leveraging the Wikipedia for Semantic Tagging

I had already written about the phenomenon of folksonomy. Of late,

I find myself reaching out to the Wikipedia to …

Google is on to something… Not Right

Check this article on NYTimes.  I think this is a trend especially after installing the Google Desktop – they are …

A workable $100 PC may finally be arriving soon

TweetI have become an official contributor to my favorite trendspotting site (thanks Piers). My first post for PSFK went online today. Check it out.