Category Archive

The following is a list of all entries from the Uncategorized category.

Back to India: Trans Fats, Saddle Bags & Assorted Ills

Priya Raju says in her 2nd post – When it comes to working out, I’m one of the laziest people in the world…

Could Apple mess up, again? (with the iPod)

Updated Again: [Nick Carr joins issue] A few months ago, Clayton Christensen of “Innovator’s dilemma” fame argued in this Business week article titled “How Apple Could …

How the Pocket PC beat the Palm – Lessons for Apple iPod

Updated third time: This is a follow-on to my “Could Apple mess up again with the iPod” post from last week. …

Why the WIMP User Interface is Dead? (for information retrieval)

Updated: Context: This is a follow-on to my “Thanks to Google – WIMP user interface is dead” post. Please …

Effect of My Yahoo Vs. Bloglines on my blog reading productivity

I have been using My Yahoo for a long time and started using it for keeping track of blogs, since they introduced RSS aggregation a while ago. As my interest in the blogosphere increased, the number of blogs i track has increased dramatically and I started noticing some problems..