Tag Archive

The following is a list of all entries tagged with Food:

How popcorn pops or does not pop – some new ideas

How does popcorn pop? Why is it that other grains don’t pop?…

DNA Fingerprinting enters the kitchen!

Read an interesting report recently in ET, about using DNA fingerprinting for certifying the Basmati Rice variety. ITC Hotels says in this report..

Kilkenny Cats, Kola Nuts and Antimatter Rockets

Wondering what the connection is? Priya Raju came across these interesting things in the past week…

17-year Mango Embargo on India Lifted by the US

As a result of George W. Bush’s recent visit, USDA and India signed an agreement that expects to allow import of mangoes within 18 months from India..

On the Rossogolla trail

I was in Kolkata last week on business. I told my colleagues about my love for rossogollas and that I wanted to go to K.C.Das..