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The following is a list of all entries tagged with history:
Singapore Travelog #2
Filed in Travel, December 16, 2008, 11:20 am by Priya RajuTweetDear Readers – I’ll give you a breather in between my sweltering posts on Srilanka. Here is a short & welcome break, where I delve lovingly on Singapore with Sukumar Rajagopal. You might have seen his previous post in this series – If not, now’s a good time. The Republic of Singapore is a clump […]
Singapore Travelog #1 – From Third World to First
Filed in Travel, December 13, 2008, 2:21 pm by SukumarTweetWe just landed back in Chennai after a 7 day tour of Singapore. When you think of Singapore, shopping and the Sentosa Island come to mind. While these are great, if we wrote about them, it may not be that interesting. Here is my first pass at writing about Singapore with a request to Priya […]
The Real History of Srilanka – Part 4
Filed in Anthropology, November 29, 2008, 8:50 am by Priya RajuTweetPart-2 of this series outlined the background of the “Sinhala Only” Bill in 1956 & traced its outcome – or debacle, depending on one’s point of view. It was a prelude to the “Policy of Standardization”, implemented in 1970. This was an excruciatingly difficult topic to write about. I had to look beyond many lies, […]
The Real History of Srilanka – Part 3
Filed in Anthropology, November 20, 2008, 10:38 am by Priya RajuTweetAs we saw in Part-1, the earliest Srilankan Tamils moved out of India 2,200 years back. Why is India entangled in their affairs now? I was struggling to come up with a germane reason. Tell me, how much longer should we consider these people Indian? It is amazing that not a single politician or rabble-rousing […]
The Real History of Srilanka – Part 2
Filed in Anthropology, November 12, 2008, 2:28 am by Priya RajuTweetIn my previous post, I had touched upon the origin of Srilankan Tamils. In this serving, I’ll outline some of the reasons behind the simmering ethnic strife. But, first I’d like to lay some lies & disinformation to rest. Srilankan Presidency and Disinformation Any armed struggle uses a variety of tools to incite the masses […]